Monday, January 18, 2010

Two Unusual Dreams

The last two consecutive nights I've had unusual dreams. On the early morning of 1-17-10, at about 0200 or 0300 hours, I dreamt Zach and I were at the top of a high building. We were playing catch with a ball of some sort. It was a round ball that had some bounce. As Zach was going to get the ball it bounced and went over the edge with no guard rail on my right side, not in front directly. Zach saw it bounce but still chose to go after the ball and fell. Zach perished. I immediately awoke from my dream to check on Zach, he was warm and breathing which relieved me. I then checked on the rest of the children. All were sleeping.

On about 1-18-10, at 0400 I dreamt Nick and I were playing golf, but instead of hitting the ball we were throwing the ball. I guess in the dream I was the only one throwing, but he was invloved in watching me, kind of like a caddie without clubs. I remember throwing the ball down a slope and as this hole started to level out the ball went towards the side into some sort of lake. Nick was already there it seemed in the water attempting to get the ball out. The ball sloped down going deeper into the water, but Nick kept going after the ball until he was all the way under the water and he kept going and walking after it deeper and deeper. Nick finally reached the ball and bent over. He came back up the way he came in and handed me the ball. I asked him, "Why did you do that?". Nick said, "Look, I got your hat too!".

In both of these two separate dreams I was worried for my children as they were going after these balls.

After the second dream, I thought I would write these events down. I've thought of what it could mean, or lessons I could learn from it.

I'm sure they could mean many different things, or nothing at all.