Wednesday, May 29, 2013

School Year Nearing End

Zach and Nick after school at Kitty Ward.  Their last year in elementary school together.

Brooke before a youth conference dance. She didn't want to smile, but I got 1 with a smile.

Abbie receiving some face paint at ShadowRidge HS.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tubing and Brian Head March 2013

Brian Head, UT 

Dad, 40,  at the end of the day.  Wed, March 13.
 Nick, 6, awaiting to be pulled up the hill
 Zach, 10
 Brooke, 14

Abbie, 3

Brooke, Mom, Nick, Zach, leaning left?

Video of a tubing run. Bad commentary, but you get the idea.  I filmed it while trying to hold onto the camera at the same time.