Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Global Warming- A False Religion?

Let's debunk some global warming.

Sun, Not Man, Main Cause of Climate Change, New Study Says.


Less Than 1/2 of Published Scientists Endorse Global Warming Theory

Tempetures have not risen since 1998.

Greenland Ice Find deflates Al Gore's Global Warming Theories

Scientists respond to Gore's warnings of climate catastrophe


Brickhouse said...

With all due respect to "Uncle Paul and Aunt Sharol", I have won the Academy Award for best Documentary. I have served 2 terms as YOUR Vice President. I have been involved in global affairs while you've been watching too much Fixed News. Now you're saying that I'M the "scare monger"? Have I held the country hostage with talk of more terrorist attacks? Verily nay. Have I trappled all over your civil rights all the while justifying my good works at keeping the terrorists at bay? Verily nay. If you people want scare mongering then keep voting for a Republican. If you want the truth about the Earth you live on - keep you eye's on me.
Your friend,

T. McArthur said...

And why did he win that Academy Award? Could it be because the academy and leftist of the Democratic Party in bed together (hopefully figuritively speaking).